In February and March of this year magical VOLA were on tour with HAKEN and BENT KNEE. For one week I was part of it and shot dozens of photos of this special experience. VOLA is one of my favorite new bands, mostly because they blend Prog Metal harshness with sensual melodies in such a genius way that you get addicted. The best thing I read about them was: they mix THE BEATLES with MESHUGGAH. #word. Every night on tour my affection to them grew immensely.
This tour and band has a special place in my heart as well as their amazingly beautiful music. In this photo diary you see pictures out of Berlin, Krakow, Budapest, Vienna, Prague and Leipzig. Special appeareances by BEN LEVIN (musical genius!) and NATIV KEDEM (sound engineering genius!).
Hope you enjoy this VOLA experience! They just started their first ever headline tour through Europe. Don’t miss it! Here are the dates:

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