Hello Kathrin! Actually it’s been her idea to have this photoshoot at Berlin’s meanwhile abandoned airport Tegel “Otto Lilienthal” aka TXL. She asked me to stand in front of her camera for a portrait session and I was eager to experience this side of a shooting as I’ve rarely been someone else than the guy who takes the photos. Standing there, waiting for the click, trying not to think and look as “normal” and expressive as possible has been such a helpful teaching experience. To feel this side of a shooting and all its mechanics is a perspective you will consider in your next photo sessions.
Obviously I couldn’t help myself and insisted to take portraits of Kathrin as well. And as you can see: her location scouting turned out way better than already expected! Strolling around these empty spaces, car parks and in front of all these stunning architecture has been incredibly inspiring. Paul Schneider-Esleben raised himself a monument and an outstanding piece for the architecture of the 60s.
What’s been also incredibly inspiring: to see how you can grow in your discipline. Kathrin started with portrait photography not long ago but put all of her effort and thoughts in it. It’s been such a pleasure witnessing her style and views on photography live in action. Thanks so much Kathrin! 🙂
>> Find her on Instagram: Kathrin Pollmann

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